' Vintage and Fine Wines (Premium Port) - Wine Clubs

Wine Clubs

Each Club offers 3 shipments a Year

 Annual cost varies depending on membership type and wines selected. 

Q: What happens when I sign up?
A: You will receive an automated email welcoming you. Your first club selection will be sent in the next shipping window.

Q: When will my credit card be charged?
A: We bill for club orders on the 15th of March, 15th of July, and 15th of October. 

Q: When will my shipment arrive?
A: Shipments will be shipped via FedEx Ground after Club Orders have been processed. You will receive an email notification once your wines have shipped, and should receive your wine 3-5 days* from that date. A pick-up option is available at our office location in SF. 

*Note shipping delays do happen, especially during high-volume shipping months

Q: Who can I call with raves, rants, reorders or questions?
A: Please reach out 415-446-9212, or email contactus@VintageandFineWines.com and we will respond.

Q: Why does the pricing vary slightly for each shipment?
A: Our wine club pricing ranges account for sales tax. Though it is an approximate as the wine selections vary each shipment and can put the shipment price at the low end or the high end of our club pack pricing. 

Q: Will I get Charged for Delivery?
A: Delivery is included on club shipments for Premium Members. Reserve members will pay FedEx Ground Rates.

Q: How can I keep my credit card up to date?
A: Simply click here to log in to your Customer Account or just give us a call at 415-446-9212.

Q: How do I hit the “Pause” Button?
A: Wine fridge or bar getting full? Going on vacation? Spouse frowning? Don’t cancel! Just call us at 415-446-9212 or email contactus@VintageandFineWines.com and we can accommodate you.

Q: How do I give a membership as a gift?
A: Join online, click the box for "Gift Subscription", you can choose the number of shipments and add a personal note. Then enter your information in the "Bill to" section and your gift recipients in the "Ship to" section. 


  • 4 Bottles / Shipment

3 Shipments a Year!
Includes an information sheet with tasting notes and winemaking details. 
Price will fluctuate depending on wines selected ~$110-$150/Shipment

20% off Club Pack orders
10% off all other purchases


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  • 4 Bottles / Shipment

3 Shipments a Year!
Includes an information sheet with tasting notes and winemaking details. 
Price will fluctuate depending on wines selected ~$175-$250/Shipment


20% off Club Pack orders
Free shipping on Club orders
20% off all other purchases
Join Now